Comfort & Foot Health, Fitness & Outdoors

Expert Advice: How to Avoid Training Injuries

Have you ever set out to accomplish a wellness resolution, only to be sidelined by an injury? Aaron Dooley, Board Certified Pedorthist (CPed) at our Roseville store, explains how proper footwear and a training plan can help you avoid the most common training injuries.


Common Training Injuries

The majority of resolution-related injuries we see at Schuler Shoes have one common cause: overuse. “It basically comes down to people trying to do too much, too soon,” says Aaron. Three of the most common symptoms we see in our stores are Plantar Fasciitis, Patellofemoral Syndrome, and “Runner’s Knee.”



How to Avoid Training Injuries

There are two things you can do right away to set yourself up for success: get in the proper footwear and implement a training plan.



Our team of Certified Pedorthists and Fit Specialists will guide you to select the right footwear for your feet, your biomechanics, and your training goals. Make an appointment with one of our CPeds today:



A training plan should include stretching, proper pacing, cycles of rest and recovery, and an understanding of what muscles need to be strengthened. Aaron gives our customers the following advice for keeping a balanced training approach:

Your goals should be centered around a lifestyle change or adjustment. Be realistic with your goals and design a plan that works with your lifestyle and it’s demands.


Need some help putting together a training plan? The following are links to some of Aaron’s favorite training resources:

*We advise that you consult your doctor before you start a new exercise program.

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