Kids & Family

Meet Aïda Hayes, Our CPED with a Special Interest in Fitting Kids’ Footwear


You could say that Aïda Hayes, Board Certified Pedorthist (CPed) at our St. Louis Park store, was born to be in the shoe business. She grew up in a family that firmly believed in the importance of high-quality footwear. Her grandfather, a shoemaker, owned a shop back in the “old country” (Iran) that specialized in hand-sewn children and women’s shoes.

Aïda has a passion for assessing children’s feet to ensure they get into proper footwear to help prevent future foot and ankle problems. You can sign up online for an appointment with Aïda here.


Aïda’s own journey into the shoe business started 18 years ago when she worked at a children’s footwear store in Wisconsin. There, she learned from a CPed that her youngest son was severely pronating due to flat feed and needed arch supports. Years later, she watched her oldest son go through a bout with Sever’s Disease (a condition common in 10-14 year-olds that is due to inflammation of the growth plate in the heel). Between her family background and dealing with her own children’s foot health needs, Aïda developed a passion to become a CPed with a bent toward children’s foot health.

“I was lucky that I started working at a children’s shoe store when my kids were still young enough to prevent any major foot problems, so I want to reach out to as many parents as I can as early on as I can to educate them about feet and footwear,” says Aïda. “I truly believe that it is never too early to learn all about feet.”


Proper foot health and shoe fit is an important part of a child’s healthy development. Working alongside our team of Fit Specialists, Aïda is available at our St. Louis Park store to fit your child for shoes and address your foot health questions. Schedule your child’s free foot evaluation with Aïda here.


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